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2 metres

Project title

A 2 mètres

Description of initiative

2 metres is a show that can be performed in front of the windows of a hospital (or other health facility) with a sound broadcasting in the rooms.
Three elements. Two acrobats on a Chinese pole and this oxygen, the invisible one which is everywhere in the air and yet missing in Jesse's body. With the help of Rocio, Jesse demonstrates that we don't stand on our fears, but on our dreams. He suffers from cystic fibrosis. Together, they evoke the fragility of our existence and the power of hope.
Discovering oneself, learning to help each other, to ask for help, learning to find the strength to realize oneself, so many themes approached with sincerity. A touching and generous show that allows human beings to be human.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Physical health
Quality of social relations


trust, mutual help, frustration, empathy, strenght, weaknesses, tenderness

Target group

Not targeted to a specific group

Cultural field





2021 - 2030

Sources of funding

coproduction & selling the show

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

The project has different aspects:
- 1 show that already has touched for than 40000 people some inside of their health facilities
- workshops that will be given to different services in hospital or retirement homes; the major projects will take place in France in 2023-24


NGO / Non-profit | Culture


NGO / Non-profit | Culture
NGO / Non-profit | Culture
Up circus & performing arts
NGO / Non-profit | Culture