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Our projects

The actions of CultureForHealth have been initiated as part of a bottom-up policy development - an approach that allows the local community and local players to express their views on specific topics and to help define the development course of the upcoming policy-making in EU.

In this regard, pilot projects are experimental initiatives designed to test the feasibility of new actions and prepare new programmes as well as they are designed to prepare new EU policies, legislation, programmes etc. – bottom-up.

By CultureForHealth

The aim of the six CultureForHealth pilot projects is to showcase good examples of the bridge-building actions between EU policy-makers and local practioners in their co-production of the framework for future implementation of cultural interventions in the health sector.

In this way, the purpose of including six pilot projects within the CultureForHealth-research is to generate knowledge on how to enhance well-being and health through culture.

The project-research revolves around the questions: What is the role of culture to improve health and wellbeing? And how can we create change through culture by impacting European policy making?

The pilot projects are collecting information from main stakeholders of each project (team, artists, health or social practitioners involved, local partners, a few participants/beneficiaries) in order to understand the enabling factors for effective cross-sector and cross-country cooperation in the area of culture and health.