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Ambulatory Art: Temporary exhibitions and cultural mediators at hospitals

Project title

Arte Ambulatorio: Exposiciones temporales y mediación cultural en hospitales

Description of initiative

Ambulatory Art is a program of traveling exhibitions through hospitals and rural communities at risk of depopulation. Visited by patients, their companions, health professionals and residents of rural communities, they build a new relationship between the art event, the spectators and the hospital or rural setting. The aim is to bring specially curated cultural contents to these audiences, whether in hospital entrance halls, waiting rooms or wards, and they always hire cultural mediators. They foster to improve the health and well-being of hospitalized people, their families and health personnel through cultural content specially curated for these audiences. The project is also positive for cultural institutions, since they can see the visibility of their heritage increased exponentially, and for young emerging artists, who can benefit from new circuits for art.
Ambulatory Art transforms healthcare spaces by creating windows onto culture. The different physical and digital formats make hospital stays more pleasant for patients and their companions while offering benefits for health professionals as well. The mediation activities facilitate access to contents, creating links between new audiences and culture as a vehicle for improving their health and well-being.
Cultura en Vena has launched a call for cultural mediators to generate employment among the professionals in the sector who either live in or have a connection with the communities where the activities are carried out. The organisation gives them training on the role of culture in improving the physical, psychological and spiritual health of patients and rural communities.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Quality of spaces and built environments
Quality of social relations


arts, health, research, cultural mediation, healthcare spaces, exhibitions, rural communities

Target group

Adults | Children | Early age | Older people | Youth

Cultural field

Design | Literature | Music | Visual arts




2022 - 2023

Sources of funding

Reale Foundation, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, Edmond de Rotschild Foundations, Daniel y Nina Carasso Foundation

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

Include music and arts in medical protocols while research is being conducted.
Normalize the presence of artists and musicians in medical teams.
Improve patients’ and their families’ perception about the care given in hospitals.
Improve medical professionals’ perception of their work environment.
Publish conclusive arguments about the real benefits of music and arts for certain pathologies.
Contribute to the improvement of the work expectations of young artists, cultural mediators and musicians.
Generate new contents, channels of reflection and debate around arts and health.
Build a network of artistic-musical-medical experts to promote research and disseminate the results.
Work on the scalability of research on a national/international level.


Fundación Cultura en Vena
NGO / Non-profit | Culture