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Project/initiative|Czech Republic|Local

Concerts at Home of St. Josef

Project title

Koncerty v Domově sv. Josefa

Description of initiative

Home of St. Josef is the only inpatient facility in the Czech Republic for patients with multiple sclerosis and regular concerts are organized by them for the patients. Their purposes are either for the cultural input in the life of patients, either for the fundrasining.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Quality of social relations


relaxation, concert, happiness, music, multiple sclerosis

Target group

Adults | Children | Early age | Older people | Youth

Cultural field



2001 - present

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt



Domov sv. Josefa
Czech Republic
NGO / Non-profit | Health


Městském divadle Dr. Josefa Čížka v Náchodě
Czech Republic
Public / State | Culture