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Project/initiative|United Kingdom|Local


Project title


Description of initiative

Create (Creu in Welsh) is an arts project working with young people aged 12–17 who are experiencing mental health difficulties. The organisers work with up to 30 young people, split over two groups, on a medium to long-term basis. Participants are referred by their mental health practitioner. The aim of the group was to help young people find new ways to express themselves, to give them an outlet away from the formality of school and medical appointments, and to provide them with a safe space to discuss, learn and grow.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Quality of social relations
Quality of services for specific groups


youth, mental health, art, creative activities, counselling

Target group


Cultural field

Crafts | Music | Other | Theatre, opera


2013 - present

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

The power of finding a new way to express oneself through writing, drawing, creating has led to young people sharing their emotions for the first time both with others in the group and with the adults in their lives.


Venue Cymru
United Kingdom
NGO / Non-profit | Culture