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Cultural Prescription

Project title

Kultūros receptas

Description of initiative

Vilnius City Municipality together with the Teachers' House, the Center and Šeškinė Polyclinics presents the project "Cultural Prescription". The doctors of these polyclinics provide invitations to various cultural events taking place in Vilnius for their patients with oncological, cardiovascular diseases and depression, together with a prescription for medication. 10 cultural institutions have agreed to take part in the project, offering monthly invitations or tickets to their events, giving participants the opportunity to listen to a concert, go to a performance or see an exhibition for free. It is planned that during the 12-month project, about 10 thousand patients will receive prescriptions for cultural events.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Mental health
Quality of services for specific groups


art, prescription, disease, mental health, polyclinics, events

Target group

Not targeted to a specific group

Cultural field

Other | Theatre, opera | Visual arts


2013 - 2015

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt



Vilniaus Mokytojų Namai
Public / State | Culture


VšĮ Centro poliklinika
Public / State | Health
Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė
Public / State | Other