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Ebru art: the key to family well-being

Project title

Ebru menas: raktas į šeimos gerovę

Description of initiative

In the non-formal education project Ebru art: the key to family well-being, the members of 25 families were invited to the first session, to try this art at least once and find out how their child experiences painting on the water. The participation of parents and other family members in the activities helped them to achieve 50% more effective results by developing the child's positivity, tolerance, other social skills, reducing the emotional gap in the family. The aim of the project is to: encourage the creativity of the participants, raise their self-esteem, improve family relationships, develop social and communication skills, develop concentration, artistic sense and, lastly, to get acquainted with the origins and features of Ebru art. The project is an initiative of Meda Project and is realized in collaboration with Pabradė Ryto Gymnasium.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Quality of social relations


Ebru art, technique, water painting, calm, family, well-being, mental health

Target group

Not targeted to a specific group

Cultural field

Crafts | Visual arts


2006 - present

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt



MEDA Project
Private / Business | Culture


Pabradė Ryto Gymnasium
Public / State | Culture