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Project/initiative|Czech Republic|Regional

Gestalt Theatre

Project title

Gestalt Theatre

Description of initiative

Gestalt theatre is an expressive and holistic approach to therapeutic and personal development work. It combines the principles of Gestalt therapy, dramatherapy, applied improvisation and live theatre. It leads to expanded awareness, deeper understanding of self and others, understanding of needs, working through emotions and inner and interpersonal conflicts. It uses theatre techniques (according to Konstantin Stanislavsky, Lee Strasberg and Sanford Meisner) as tools, especially improvisation and role-playing, music, movement or relaxation techniques.
- self-Experience and Growth Group (14 people and their year-long work, 12 meetings)
- workshops for the helping professions
- impro therapy
Improvisational theatre, or applied improvisation, is increasingly used in mental health care and psychotherapy. Pilot studies from the last ten years, mainly from the USA, Israel, Germany and other countries, have mapped the therapeutic potential of practicing improvisational skills, which are characterised by an emphasis on playfulness, collaboration, creativity, humour and spontaneity. Other studies highlight the fact that improv can also significantly develop therapists and other workers in the helping professions.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Work and workplace well-being


Gestalt theatre, therapy school, self-experience group, dramatherapy

Target group


Cultural field

Dance | Theatre, opera


2017 - present

Sources of funding


Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

The organizers believe that drama is appropriate in therapy for a wide range of less severe difficulties of a more minor nature. Research shows that it can play a role in the treatment of depression, anxiety and also be a supportive intervention in recovery from traumatic experiences. Through the body, people become more aware of their emotions, needs and the possibilities they have in life. Through their newfound role models, they find the courage to experiment in the situations they face in life. Within groups, they allow themselves to express their emotions more and say out loud what they are experiencing.


Zázemí - terapeutické centrum
Czech Republic
Private / Business | Health


Brno 2028
Czech Republic
NGO / Non-profit | Culture