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McAuley Place for older people. The game changer in city centre revitalisation

Project title

McAuley Place for older people. The game changer in city centre revitalisation

Description of initiative

To ensure the quality of life of its older people and their independence, Naas (IE) developed an alternative model to the institutional residential care one. McAuley Place is a non-medical, intergenerational and not-for-profit housing association located in the city centre, its 53 apartments are allocated both socially and privately to 60 people. McAuley Place aims at bringing older people to the heart of the vibrant Naas community. Activities such as the popular Arts and Crafts programme, by attracting inhabitants of all age, ensure the social inclusion and integration of the tenants. Since 2008, McAuley has been providing an environment in which all stakeholders, residents, workers and volunteers (often students), can connect. McAuley offers a model of sustainable urban living, with a town centre location and a mixed-use campus, where culture operates as a critical platform, accessible to both resident and visitor alike. The high levels of participation in the Arts and Crafts programme reflect the critical importance of creativity, and help build a culture of social contact. The project demonstrates an inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral approach embedded in a campus where the mix of residential, Arts Hub, community centre, restored garden and tea rooms creates the kind of rich ecology which produces daily minor miracles, and sustains mental health and human existence.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Quality of spaces and built environments
Quality of social relations
Quality of services for specific groups


arts and crafts, social integration, sustainable urban living, community, creativity

Target group

Older people

Cultural field

Crafts | Literature | Other | Visual arts




2000 - 2022

Sources of funding

URBACT III Programme of the EU (co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund) & other sources

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

McAuley is a huge positive statement in a town centre which has suffered economically, and where there are many vacant buildings. It illustrates how top-down governance, and bottom-up community energy can combine to tackle what appear to be intractable social issues, e.g. the isolation and poor quality of life suffered by older people. It demonstrates an inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral approach embedded in a campus where the mix of residential, Arts Hub, community centre, restored garden and tea rooms creates the kind of rich ecology which produces daily minor miracles, and sustains mental health and human existence. McAuley is socially innovative, it has created a new kind of infrastructure, and it has done this by working in a cross-institutional manner, building bridges between top-down governance and a bottom-up “can-do” mindset. It has used a hard infrastructure from a past legacy and fused it with the soft infrastructure inspired by a value system expressed in the UN Principles for Older People.


McAuley Place
NGO / Non-profit | Health