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Museum for Alzheimer

Project title

Musei per l’Alzheimer

Description of initiative

The BeGo Museo Benozzo Gozzoli in Castelfiorentino, leader of the Museums for Alzheimer's project of the Empolese Valdelsa network of museums (MuDEV), in 2013 joined the training project Art in your hands. The training course was aimed at setting up activities dedicated to people with Alzheimer and their caregivers. Starting on 2014, the activities at the museum for people with Alzheimer's are currently held regularly and are included in the stable offer of the museum's educational services.
In 2018, the project further expanded reaching 12 museums and newly involved 7 libraries. The project network has expanded including 10 structures in the area, sich as nursing homes, day centers, voluntary associations. The aim was to broadening the offer of opportunities for participation in the community, accessibility for people with dementia and for those who take care of them. In this sense, appointments during which poems were read, commented on and generated, starting from a targeted solicitation of ideas, sensations and emotions of the participants - the elderly and caregivers.
In 2020 , due to the COVID - 19 emergency, the activities in the museums were suspended; the MuDEV with the project work group continued online its work to keep alive the bond built up over the years.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Quality of social relations
Quality of services for specific groups


museum, libraries, network, Alzheimer, caregivers

Target group

Adults | Older people

Cultural field

Heritage | Literature | Other


2014 - present

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt



Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa
Public / State | Culture