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Sound Museums

Project title

Sound Museums

Description of initiative

It is important for museums to devise a wide range of accessible services. In recent years, particular attention has been paid to services for people who are unable to visit museums themselves. In the city of Tampere, this includes ‘sound museums’ for lending out. For older people in nursing homes, and particularly those with memory disorders, it is important to be able to recall past events from their lives with others. Recalling the past exercises the mind and the memory and helps reflect on a person’s life journey up to the present day. Sharing memories boosts self-esteem and fosters a sense of safety and bonding. Every one of us sometimes recalls something we have not thought about for decades. How did that suddenly come into my mind? Old objects, sounds and artworks are excellent tools for unearthing memories of the distant past. In Tampere, concepts called ‘sound museums’ and ‘museum packages’ have been developed, along with a free lending service. Staff at nursing homes or day centres can check out material from the Cultural Education Unit TAITE for a period of about two weeks. There are three sound museums that contain digital audio and video recordings: sounds of people working, of animals and of nature; music; voice clips by famous Finnish radio hosts and actors; and sounds of mechanical household devices and tools. Some are historical sounds that can rarely be heard in everyday life today, if at all. In addition to the sound museums, which travel in briefcases, there are ten museum packages containing objects and photographs offering inspiration for reflection and exploring various themes in art and cultural history. The museum packages draw on the handling collection of Tampere Museums, which consists of items that can be freely handled and examined, and also contain plenty of photos and documents from the archives in digital form.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Mental health
Quality of services for specific groups


sound museum, memory, elders, self-esteem, well-being, art

Target group

Older people

Cultural field

Heritage | Other


2011 - present

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

The design process and development of the lending service involved close interaction with staff in services for the elderly and with prospective users themselves. Staff members have particularly praised how easy the museum packages are to use and how well designed they are. Both the sound museums and the museum packages include
written material with tips or instructions, simple texts and images to support and encourage staff members to explore the material together with residents. One of the sound museums even includes instructions for exercises that can be done to the sounds in the sound museum while seated. The lending service includes an advisory service and training to encourage borrowers to be bold and inventive in using the materials. As a result, staff members have not just followed instructions but also come up with innovative ways of using the museum packages.


Cultural Education Unit TAITE
Public / State | Culture