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Believe in Art

Believe in Art

Project/initiative | Spain
Believe in Art is a project that combines art and health to humanize hospital environments. Through the Believe in art organization, born in 2013, numerous artists have made artistic interventions in hospital rooms, waiting rooms and other facilities, to improve the well-being of those who pass by and, in addition, open these spaces to society.…

Believe in Art is a project that combines art and health to humanize hospital environments. Through the Believe in art organization, born in 2013, numerous artists have made artistic interventions in hospital rooms, waiting rooms and other facilities, to improve the well-being of those who pass by and, in addition, open these spaces to society. The team decorated the spaces of several hospitals from Spain: Miguel Servet Maternal and Child Hospital; Lozano Blesa University Clinic; Royo Villanova in Zaragoza; San Jorge Hospital in Huesca; Hospital of Alcañiz. They focus mainly on health centers, although they have also intervened in some areas of the Juvenile Court of Zaragoza.

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