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Hospital Clowns

Hospital Clowns | Finland

Project/initiative | Finland
Development and inculcation of the attendance clown form of work into pediatric surgery in university hospitals (HYKS; TAYS; TYKS). The activity frees up the resources of the nursing staff for the actual nursing work, while the clown takes care of the emotional and preparatory part of the child and the family. Measures are speeding up…

Development and inculcation of the attendance clown form of work into pediatric surgery in university hospitals (HYKS; TAYS; TYKS). The activity frees up the resources of the nursing staff for the actual nursing work, while the clown takes care of the emotional and preparatory part of the child and the family. Measures are speeding up because children are better prepared for the situation. Among other things, the delays caused by fear are reduced. Recovery from the procedure is faster because the form of work allows for a reduction in premedication. Situations are perceived as more pleasant, and the amount of pain experienced is less.

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