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Jönköping County

Culture-assisted rehabilitation

Programme | Sweden
Culture-assisted rehabilitation is an initiative that facilitates the return to work after a sick leave, that can be experienced as a big challenge. Culture-supported rehabilitation has proven suitable at this stage, for those who are on sick leave for stress-related problems, mental illness and/or unspecified long-term pain. A culture-assisted rehabilitation lasts for ten weeks. The…

Culture-assisted rehabilitation is an initiative that facilitates the return to work after a sick leave, that can be experienced as a big challenge. Culture-supported rehabilitation has proven suitable at this stage, for those who are on sick leave for stress-related problems, mental illness and/or unspecified long-term pain. A culture-assisted rehabilitation lasts for ten weeks. The participants could try different forms of cultural activities, such as theater, crafts, movement, music and choir singing. The group also takes part in cultural experiences such as concerts, theater performances and art exhibitions. The participants meet twice a week with a reunion after completing rehabilitation.

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Culture on Prescription | Jönköping Region

Project/initiative | Sweden
The project Culture on Prescription has been implemented in the Jönköping County Region with the aim of reducing ill health and increasing the return to work of people with easy to moderate mental illness and non-specific pain. Culture on prescription means that groups participate in various cultural activities, based on the referral received from specialists.

The project Culture on Prescription has been implemented in the Jönköping County Region with the aim of reducing ill health and increasing the return to work of people with easy to moderate mental illness and non-specific pain. Culture on prescription means that groups participate in various cultural activities, based on the referral received from specialists.

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The Culture for Health Conference

Project/initiative | Sweden
Through the Culture for Health Conference, organizers want to increase knowledge about the importance of culture for health and contribute to the implementation of some further initiatives. Participating in or experiencing cultural activities stimulates the senses and can contribute to social inclusion and a sense of belonging and meaning. Furthermore, research shows that the use…

Through the Culture for Health Conference, organizers want to increase knowledge about the importance of culture for health and contribute to the implementation of some further initiatives. Participating in or experiencing cultural activities stimulates the senses and can contribute to social inclusion and a sense of belonging and meaning. Furthermore, research shows that the use of culture can shorten the care period and be a complement to the rehabilitation process.
Culture for Health Conference presented the latest research and good examples of how can be used culture to promote health and well-being. During the event participants took part in seminars and workshops, and listen to interesting lecturers.
The organizer of the conference was the Culture for Health Steering Group; Region Jönköping County, Jönköping County Museum, Jönköping County Education Association, Jönköping County Archives Association, Jönköping County Homeland Association and the municipalities in Jönköping County in collaboration with Gislaved Municipality.

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