Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
Artful: Art and Dementia
The Artful: Art and Dementia program aims to create new connections and life-enriching experiences through contemporary art for people living with dementia and their support networks. The programs is delivered Onsite - in 6 weekly 2-hour visits to the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, small groups are supported by trained artist educators to engage with and respond to contemporary art in the galleries. The gallery experiences are followed by a hands-on creative artmaking sessions with refreshments. To accompany the program, an ‘Artful at home’ pack is distributed to each participant. The pack includes artmaking activities (and all materials) to extend creative engagement in between each Museum visit. On Week 6, the program concludes with an open celebration and exhibition session, to coincide with one of Artful Community Days. Family and friends are invited to view the participants’ work made during the program. The programs is delivered Online from your home - an online program for those people who are unable to come into the Museum of Contemporary Art or prefer to join from home. In 6 weekly 45min zoom sessions, a small group of participants engage in fun and creative activities led by trained artist educators. An ‘Artful at home’ pack with all supplies needed for this program will arrive at your home a week prior to the programs commencement. Both online and onsite programs are created specifically for people living with dementia and their support partner. People living with dementia are also welcome to attend individually, if preferable. We tailor the programs around each unique group of participants.