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What is the role of culture in improving health and wellbeing? How can we create change through culture by impacting European, national, regional or local policy making? What are the challenges? The CultureForHealth project aims to answer these questions.

Culture has always been known to affect people in many ways and to contribute to a better quality of life. But in recent years the focus has increasingly been on how engagement with the arts and culture can not only improve our quality of life, but also can provide a significant positive effect on a wide variety of health conditions.

Culture for health
& wellbeing


CultureForHealth is a project co-funded by the European Commission with partners all over Europe, consisting of Culture Action Europe, Trans Europe Halles, Central Denmark Region, The Northern Dimension Partnership for Culture, Centrul Cultural Clujean, and Društvo Asociacija. The project will last 18 months- ending in May 2023.

CultureForHealth brings researchers, practitioners and policy makers together to generate knowledge, research and field work in order to trigger cross-sectoral cooperation and policies that enhance well-being through culture.

The initiative will also institute six pilot projects in Denmark, Italy, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia aiming at “management and treatment” of illnesses as well as “prevention and promotion” for a variety of life stages and age groups.

Platform launch March 10th

In March 2022 you will find a thorough collection of exciting research, stories, inspirational cases and a continuously growing map of projects, programs and organizations working with arts and culture for health purposes on this platform.

The website will serve as a new and easily accessible “European home for culture and well-being” platform providing useful information, contacts and material to both researchers and practitioners of the field – as well as European decision makers. The website will continuously grow and develop in pace with the project.