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Aria - Architecture and Rehabilitation

Project title

Aria - Architettura e Riabilitazione

Description of initiative

Aria - Architettura e Riabilitazione was born from the need to rethink the spaces of mental fragility (psychiatric residences, hospitals, semi-residential structure of mental health services), mostly conceived as places of marginality and isolation rather than spaces of rehabilitation and inclusion.
The project goals are:
- Humanization of mental health care settings;
- Intersectoral synergies between project culture and health (project scalability and new market opportunities);
- Networking, knowledge transfer;
- Bringing about cultural change (stigma reduction, social inclusion and re-employment).

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Community well-being
Mental health
Quality of spaces and built environments
Quality of services for specific groups


care, co-design, humanization, well-being, health, spaces

Target group

Not targeted to a specific group

Cultural field

Architecture | Design

Sources of funding

Turin Chamber of Commerce

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

The collective spaces of the SPDC (Psychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment Service) of Moncalieri were redesigned according to the principles of humanization of the care place and through participatory design approaches, enhancing the synergies between the spatial design and the institution of rehabilitation.


MinD - Mad in Design
NGO / Non-profit | Health


Public / State | Health
Circolo del Design
NGO / Non-profit | Culture
Fondazione per l’architettura/Torino
NGO / Non-profit | Culture